YUASA Battery YT12A-BS 12V, 10AH $90
It all started 1 day when my bike couldn't start, guessing the battery is weak, I rolled it down the multi-story carpark from lvl 1 to basement so the bike could push start at gear 2(easier to start compared to 1st gear).
I went to work and immediately check the voltage with a multimeter, 12.0+V, very low. Use the multimeter to measure when i crank my bike, battery is charging it slipped from 12v to 11.8V when i crank and rise to 12.3V, so battery weak, nothing to do with charging circuit.
Decided to wait for 2 more weeks be4 i buy a new battery due to low in cash, I had it fully charged(at my work place).
Until 3 days later, bike couldn't start again, this time I parked it in the Basement *sob *sob . What to do? Only left up slope, no more down slope. Push start by running with the bike, and succeed on the 2nd attempt..... Bike roar to life and almost flew off my hands.... got knock on my lap by the Slider..... *sob *sob *sob . Went to work, add more electrolyte of "Specific Gravity 1.30", that is the highest SG i got. Fully charge again and hope it can last till I buy a new battery in a few days time.
The bruise from the slider when I push start my bike....
Really not so easy to run with big bike while attempting push start....
Its always advisable to do it on a down slope.
Finally borrow some $$ (*sob *sob *sob *sob ) to buy bike battery. Lucky KS Motor sells Suzuki parts at cheaper price compared to normal bike shop, but still not as cheap as Motor shop who had deals with KS. After u buy the battery, just follow the instruction that comes with the box.
Tear off the strap on the battery, turn the electrolyte pack upside down, push firmly into the battery, wait for all the electrolyte to drain in, wait 30 minutes for the chemical reaction to take place by the Lead plates and Sulphuric Acid, close the battery with the given strap, ready for use.
Be careful not to come in contact with skin and eyes when handling acid as they are very harmful!! If contacted with Acid, wash with plenty of water and soap, If contacted with eyes, wash with plenty of water only for 10-15 minutes, see a doctor after that. Acid with SG 1.32 is very concentrated, please handle with care.
Pouring them into the battery, tap tap on the top abit if the electrolyte got stuck.
After Removing my old FLAT(after 3 days of not riding it is totally FLAT) and compare it to my New battery. I Had no idea why the old battery is only 12V 8AH. According to the Spec, it should be a 12V 10AH battery. Just wondering did the bike come with 8AH or 10AH in the first place. And why would that someone use a 12V 8AH battery, as it weakens quickly compared to a 10AH battery.
A comparison between the new Yuasa 12V10AH battery and the old dunno what Brand 12V 8AH battery. Well who cares, now I got a brand new one and will take good care of it.......
My comment on a Lead Acid battery is never leave it in a FLAT/WEAK condition, once if battery is spotted weak, it has to be charge immediately else it will start to Sulphate!! Once the process takes place and the battery continue to sulphate further it will no longer hold its charge and slowly reach a condition where even a slow charging of 0.5Amp will not revive the battery.