Monday, May 28, 2007

Denso Plug 45° angle gap and the "A" behind...

Need time to remove and put up the picture.

Function of the Spark Plug is to ignite air/fuel mixture and transfer heat from the combustion chamber. Since this is not a spark plug manufacturing blog. I wont explain further.

I always wanted to remove my spark plug to inspect myself, but I don't know how to remove stuff from my bike to get to the spark plugs.

After almost 1½ yrs since i bought my bike, I didn't change my spark plugs, and I really want to inspect my spark plugs to see if they are in working conditions. I scroll thru my servicing manual to see where they are located and how to reach them. Finally in April 07, I decide to hands on.

To reach my spark plugs, I need to lift my fuel tank, remove the air filter box, and 4 spark plug cap will be sitting on top of the engine. After removing the plugs and inspecting them. All 4 plugs have collected a lot of carbon deposit on the surface of the circle where the electrode is, and all electrode is slightly glazed and appear whitish. 3 of the 4 spark plugs' screw-in thread has this sticky brownish glue like substance. Next, I inspected the gap, initially I saw the first plug's gap is not directly on top of the electrode, i assumed it broke off, next i realise that all 4 plug's gap are way out. I should replace all 4 plug, I took down the model number Denso IU27A, cleaned the plugs and install them back.

I went to a few shops looking for plug Denso IU27A. Everyone told me its out of stock, agent also no stock. Ah boy and Regina from Kelantan lane quote me $15-17 per plug, others quote me above $20. 1 shop happen to have 2, i was reluctant to buy because I need 4. I took out the plug to inspect and to my surprise, the gap is exactly the same as all 4 of my plugs. I asked the guy "Meng Tong" why gap like cut off, he told me the plug is for pure racing, it is a pure racing spark plug firing 45 degrees. Thats why got "A" behind.

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