It was fri the 13, July 2007, bad day for anything isnt it ? But not so bad for today.
Busa gather was indeed fixed on fri, so I guess there wont be anymore wed meet-ups . Today's venue was at Lavender food court (s11). I arrived slightly late, parked my busa and walked over, a small group of falcon riders sitting in a small table, I'm abit surprise at the low turn-ups coz its over the meeting time. Only when they waved to me then I realise that there is 2 more tables joined together 3 tables away. Freddy and more newer members were there. Funny, why all sit separately.
As usual after less than a minute, Jean and I started to feel hungry, we scanned for the "wanton mee", finally its open for us today hahaha...... oh.....shit...... long queue....... Nmind, I shall wait hahaha. Then, a phone call came and someone on the phone whoses voice I did not recognise tell me he can see me from "behind". I panicked, looked around and couldn't find the suspicious caller, then he told me his name was "Jason", OMG Fri the 13, suspicious caller named Jason, any more surprises? Hmm, I tot for a while and remember there was a guy named Jason riding a busa and his name was..... "Hyb8oy". A member of Blue Oyster Club...... OMFG..... its a gay club! N'mind, I'll have my ways with him.....I hope........
After eating the delicious Wanton mee, more and more people came along, from old regulars to frequent visitors to new members......I spent most of my time chatting with members while jean having her usual rounds of "old wive tales " with her "aunties" friends. Ohhh...and Jean found an ex schoolmate, so gam hor...
As it was getting late, members left and our table (3 joined together) were soon emptied except for charlie, Andrew, Alan and myself there. It became a semi MBF. SBF gathering haha. As it was closing in to 1am. Jean and I decided to call it a night. Wow, didnt realise 4 hours just passed while we chat away, see how good Jean is as she aged........ hahhaa
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