Venue : Thailand (Hatyai)
Mileage frm GP Esso - Thai Border 820km
Total distant travel frm GP Esso to GP Shell 1,835.3km
Duration (To) 11pm - 7.30am (8.5hr)
1st stop 12 Apr 00:56 (Ayer Keroh)
2nd stop 12 Apr 02:15 (RaWang)
3rd stop 12 Apr 04:21 (SG Perak)
4th stop 12 Apr 05:57 (Gurun)
Thaiborder 12 Apr 07:33
Ti§h : Busa
Freddy : ZX12R
Raymond & Kris : 08 Busa
Maverick : Busa
Mark : Busa
Bunny : BlackBird
Stan : VFR 800
Songkee : Suzuki 1000
"Sor kai" Suzuki 1000
Duration (Fro) 12.30pm - 9pm
1st stop 15 Apr 14:42 (Bukit Merah - Semanggol)
2nd stop 15 Apr 16:48 (Ulu Berman)
3rd stop 15 Apr 19:02 (Ayer Keroh)
GP Shell 15 Apr 21:06
Ti§h : Busa
Freddy : ZX12R
Raymond & Kris : 08 Busa
Maverick : Busa
Mark : Busa
Bunny : BlackBird
Stan : VFR 800
Songkee : Suzuki 1000
Kent : CBR 900
Uncle Huat : CBR 900
It was my virgin ride to Thailand, a ride of my dream and one of my goal for touring - a non-stop ride from Singapore to Thailand border,(Except for petrol stops). I felt I had accomplished what most tourer's would love to when they first found love in touring.
Will try to keep my bore stories short.
Never expect a slight jam at Tuas Singapore custom at 10pm on this Friday night, the Phuket bike week event participaters should have already left a few days ago. Anyway, reached GP Esso and 9 bikes of us left for Thailand, most stops were for petrol and short breaks. Road conditions were ok, some normal traffic and most of the time clear. Occasionally, careless drivers of 4 wheelers & big truck will overtake while we were coming very fast from behind forcing us to hard brake. Despite the condition and some road bullies, we've reach the Thai border in approx. 9 hours.
One of the petrol stop, everyone's taking a short break:
Cig break, pee break, stretching break, shoulders aching break, bones breaking break.....
At the Thai border was another story, I never tot that the queue to get pass the custom was another head ache. But I was told by a BlackBird Malay rider, Bunny, that it was because tomorrow is the Thai's New Year, Songkran, that causes the big crowd. When everyone was getting bored waiting for their passport to clear, a small ceremony at the border with girls doing their traditional Thai dancing took place.
Dancing Ceremony
Sprinkle water to pay respect, most people splash or shoot water.
Apply powdery water on opposite sex to ward off evil, most people use it on other's face/neck.
My bike in between Malaysia and Thailand Custom.
Thailand Border, custom.
During the Thai New Year, Songkran.
Powder were smear on our bikes by the Thais.
A sign to ward off evil.
After the long queue to get our passport clear, we headed off another 60km to Hatyai, to our hotel. There, everyone had a good clean up and rest. Later, we gather and head off to Oliver, a massage parlor where they do good Thai massage. The massage were very comfortable, easing off the aches and pain on everyone's muscles and joints. Others felt so comfy and doze off snoring away.....
Our hotel.
Massage Parlor, a place that only does massaging.
With our bodies fully rejuvenated, stomaches started groaning in its hollow bowl. Freddy brought us to the 2nd floor of a building somewhere. I was surprise to be on a hill top on the 2nd floor. The building was built against a hill, probably preventing land slides? Anyway the food was superb!! Other than some spicy and sour Thai sauce, the variety and cooking method was something new to me! Dont ask me what, I have no idea!
A forest on top of a building.
Is this the "Wa-yang Show" stage??
Some very very very YUMMY food!!!
Emptied the dishes and drown ourselves with beers, we left the restaurant to walk along a busy street with plenty of side stalls set up for the mid night count down. There were many various food and accessories displayed for sale.
Some weird food....
More weird food.....
With too much food in the stomach, blood starts to flow down from the brain to the tummy to start/support digesting process. Thus, getting sleepy. Went back hotel to end the day... Outside, the countdown was starting and getting very noisy..... I made a call back to Jean before turning off the lights..... I missed her so much then.
The very next morning:
Woke up from a call. It was Freddy asking to have breakfast. Got myself ready and while looking out of the window, saw 2 pickups with family members all geared up for the water war.
This is nothing compared to what I seen on the main road later in the day.
Was suppose to have "Dim Sum" for breakfast but it was super crowded, we then picked a Muslim stall so Bunny could join us. There was nothing much to order except for rice with Muslim dishes and prata. Guess what, almost everyone had prata. The choice of variety were almost the same except for the cooking style and the taste of another country's food.
"Dim Sum!! Dim Sum!! Dim Sum!!"
A different onion Prata!
Prata with curry chicken was surprisingly yummy!
I behaved like a kid bothering the others if they wanted to start a war with water guns. Most ignored me, I guess I was going to miss all the fun. So we took a stroll back to the Hotel. While walking back, some of us were constantly "shot/hit" Finally Mark Aka Mercenary said "THATS IT!! BUY THE GUNS AND SHOOT THEM BACK". There, my fun's coming, haha!!
We brave into the war zone to the stall selling our weapons, 3 of us took the biggest and most powerful guns(300baht), from there on, it was a never ending war.................
Blindly walked into this mess which later, made us "Mercenaries"
the Warriors!!
After realising that the COUNTRY's War isn't going to end at all, we decided to end our war. On the way back to hotel, water bullets and bomb were still aimed at us. Sadly, we were low on ammos..... while walking, passed a Bird Nest Stall and Raymond asked me along for some goodies.....
Wanted the "1st class Xue Yan" but out of stock
So I had "1st class Gold Bird nest" and we shared a big bowl of Shark's Fin.
Head back to hotel to wash up, while everyone were recovering from the " wounds of war", some came over to our rooms to have a game of "dai ti", passing time away towards dinner.
Nice ass.... 500baht can?
Some suggested to ride out to have dinner, so we gear up partially and rode off to dunno what restaurant sitting on another hill. Parked out bikes infront of the the building as usual and walked in..... The view was wonderful, there was a view of "Golden Buddah" on aother hill and the "streets of Haiyat" We had some simple dishes and a good chat before heading back hotel.
We're the boss!
View of the Golden Buddah
View of Haiyat.
At that time, I wanted so much for Jean to be there with me.
Almost everyone....
Some simple dishes...
Night time, the time for activities.... Raymond asked if I would like to join him at the night bazaar. I immediately agreed and left with him, not knowing where the others were heading.... I need to be at the bazaar so I could buy some presents for my Wife. Shopping for her, on her behalf. "Searching for Mickey! Searching for Mickey!"
Bought her some earrings, hand phone cover, neckless, shorts, pants, belts, slippers, door mats, nail stickers... I guess thats' all ?
The story is getting too long and needed another part...........
Stay tune............
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