Thursday, June 7, 2007

Andrew the Bleeding Mechanic!!

Ever since the brake fluid leaked, initially i thought the brake lever is alright, but soon with more riding, i realise the lever became more and more spongy. Some guys from the falcon gathering tried my brake lever and told me to redo the bleeding. Andrew was there at the point of time and he was very nice to offer to rebleed the braking system for me.

I hesitated at first, but soon decided to let him have do it. After lesson today, Andrew and Charlie was suppose to view a busa, ya someone getting a busa, not charlie, not me, who else. The viewing was very positive, and after a drink, we stopped at Andrew's block and there is where Andrew provide his service.

With a sucker in his right hand and Motul DOT5.1 in his left. He was servicing my brake system in no time. It wasn't an easy job, coz Andrew needs to play with the "nipple" he called, and pumping lever all the time to get the air bubbles out of the system. I didnt know that Andrew has been bleeding his own brake hose for a few times already. He even install his steel braided hose and bleed it himself. So I call him a mechanic, correct ma...

Anyway i appreciate his effort and time taken to service my hose. I thank him a few times and he say he will help as much as he can. Nice guy hor.... think he nice enuff to bleed the whole MBF's bikes? haha

Thank you Andrew the Bleeding Mechanic

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